/* Modified Date: 03/12/2025 00:18:28 */ Namespace.Manager.Register('LmsFx.Resources.Sas.AppResources'); LmsFx.Resources.Sas.AppResources = { 'ModifiedOn' : '638773355084585455', 'AlreadyRegistered' : 'You have already registered or have taken this course.', 'AppTitle' : 'PD Center', 'Availability' : 'Availability', 'Cancel' : 'Cancel', 'CatalogEditor' : 'You can enter the information below to add or edit a course catalog. Use the Framework Statements tab after you have entered all the information below and clicked save.', 'ChangeAvatar' : 'Change Picture', 'ChangeAvatarTitle' : 'Upload your Profile Picture', 'ChangePasswordNoConfirm' : 'Your new password could not be confirmed. Please make sure you confirm your password.', 'ChangePasswordOldNotEqual' : 'Your old password does not match. Please verify your password and resubmit your request.', 'ChangePasswordSuccess' : 'Your password has been changed.', 'ClassIsClosed' : 'This class is not open for registration', 'ClassIsFull' : 'Course registration has exceeded the Maxium Number of Students', 'CourseCatalogGreeting' : 'Welcome to course catalog administration. You can use the filters below and to the left to limit the results list. Clicking on the filter name will apply the filter to the list.', 'CourseGuide' : 'Course Guide', 'CourseInstanceRegistrationWithdrawFailed' : 'You cannot withdraw from this student from this class. ', 'CoursesNotFoundForAccount' : 'You are not currently enrolled into any courses. Click here to view the course offerings.', 'EmailCourseRegistrationConfirmationSubject' : 'PDCenter - Class Registration Information', 'EmailNewMessageTickleSubject' : 'PDCenter - New Message', 'ExpireOnLabel' : 'Expires On:', 'ExternalSystemId' : 'PPID', 'FileUpload' : 'Document Upload', 'FilterItemTypes_Courses' : 'By Course', 'FilterItemTypes_FinishedStudents' : 'Students with', 'FilterItemTypes_HasEnded' : 'Classes that', 'FilterItemTypes_InActive' : 'Classes that', 'FilterItemTypes_InProgress' : 'Classes that', 'FilterItemTypes_IsCompleted' : 'Classes that', 'FilterItemTypes_IsPreview' : 'Classes that', 'FilterItemTypes_NeedGrading' : 'Classes that', 'FilterItemTypes_WithMessages' : 'Classes', 'ForumActivity' : 'Forum Discussions & Postings', 'GradingProcess_Completed' : 'Finished', 'GradingProcess_CompletedStudentReview' : 'Finished, Please review', 'GradingProcess_NotStarted' : 'Not started', 'GradingProcess_SecondChance' : 'Make corrections', 'GradingProcess_Started' : 'In progress', 'GradingProcess_SubmittedForGrade' : 'In grading', 'ImDone' : 'I\'m Finished', 'Module' : 'Unit', 'NoInstructor' : 'There are no instructors available to teach this course', 'PastCoursesNotFoundForAccount' : 'You have not taken any courses to show at this time. Once you have taken a course and completed it or withdrew from it, that course will appear in this list.', 'PostOnLabel' : 'Post On:', 'ProfileSaved' : 'Your profile has been successfully updated.', 'ResetPasswordEmailFormat' : 'Thank you for contacting the SAS Portal. Please click on the link below to reset your password. \r\n You will be prompted to enter in your email address and to create a new password.\r\n{0}\r\nIf you have questions or need further assistance, please Contact Us, or call our toll-free Help Line at 1-877-9PDESAS (1-877-973-3727). \r\n Thank you for your continued use of the SAS Portal!\r\nSincerely,
', 'Resources' : 'Resources', 'Save' : 'Save', 'SelfRegistrationSuccessfullFormat' : 'You have been successfully registered for {0}. \r\nYour class will start on: {1}\r\nYour class will appear under \'My Classes\', when you login to PDCenter.', 'StatementsEditor' : 'You can use the add button next to the item in the list on the left to add that Framework Statement to the catalog you are working with.', 'SubmitForGrade_QuestionNotAnswered' : 'We are sorry but you cannot submit an assessment for grading until all questions have been filled out. Please go back and make sure you have filled out each question in this assessment.', 'Syllabus' : 'Syllabus', 'TextOnly' : 'Text', 'TextOrFileUpload' : 'Text or Document Upload'}; function GetResourceText(key) { var resourceKey = 'LmsFx.Resources.Sas.AppResources.' + key; var resx = eval(resourceKey); return resx; }