Assessing Student Readiness

Assessing student readiness can be a quick process that can help you determine and differentiate instruction. Here are some ideas for gauging readiness: 


Print the name of the concept or topic to be learned on the board. Beneath it, create a vertical line graph with 100% (I would be comfortable teaching this material) at the top and 0% (I don't know anything about this material) at the bottom. Have students place their sticky notes along the graph, and you will have an idea of where your students believe their readiness level lies.

Four, Three, Two, One

Have students hold up their fingers to indicate their readiness levels. Four fingers up means, "I know this content," three fingers means, "I feel somewhat comfortable," two fingers means, "I'm not confident," and one index finger means, "I don't know anything about it."

Ticket in the Door

On the board, write the name of the unit, skill, or topic the class will be discussing. Have them share what they think they know or what they want to learn about the topic.