
stock-teens-outsideE-portfolios are evidence of learning with links to digital examples of the work. They are known by different names: Electronic Student Portfolios, Online Portfolios, Efolio, Webfolio or Digital Portfolio. An online portfolio is an evolving work that can demonstrate a student’s learning and growth over time.

Portfolios can take the form of summative or formative assessment, and are also known as a product assessment.


Benefits of Online Portfolios

For Students

For Teachers

a single place to organize, analyze, evaluate, create, and store documents, presentations, and projects related to individual learning goals, planning, and progress

a means to prepare students to be lifelong learners

a means to increase information literacy and technology skills

a way to assess for authentic learning and give feedback

a tool to combine formal and informal learning

a trail to measure student achievement of content learning standards

a tool to solicit feedback from teachers, students, parents

a vehicle to share information with colleagues and administration


When an e-portfolio is created, students should control who has access and for how long. Besides considering the audience for the portfolio, think about the purpose or goals for the e-portfolio. The purpose should inform decisions on visibility.

What is the purpose of online portfolios in your classroom?

E-portfolios can be used by students when creating multimedia projects as a tool for planning, reflecting, assessing for learning, or showcasing learning activities and technology skills. Portfolios can also be a means by which students maintain and update a living profile of their knowledge and skills.