Curriculum Framework Definitions

The Curriculum Framework specifies what is to be taught for each subject in the curriculum. In Pennsylvania, Curriculum Frameworks include Big Ideas, Concepts, Competencies, and Essential Questions aligned to Standards and Assessment Anchors and, where appropriate, Eligible Content.

Below you will find the definitions of Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Concepts, Competencies, Standards and Eligible Content.

Big Ideas

Declarative statements that describe concepts that transcend grade levels. Big Ideas are essential to provide focus on specific content for all students.

Essential Questions

Questions connected to the SAS framework, specifically linked to the Big Ideas. They should frame inquiry, promote critical thinking, and assist in learning transfer.


Describe what students should know (key knowledge) as a result of this instruction specific to grade level.


Describe what students should be able to do (key skills) as a result of this instruction specific to grade level.


Statements that define what students should know and be able to do as a result of instruction.

Eligible Content

Helps educators identify how deeply they need to cover an Assessment Anchor and/or the range of content they should teach to maximize student achievement andbest prepare their students for the PSSA.

The Curriculum Framework search tools allow users to navigate by:
      • Subject Area: All Subject Areas, plus more specific areas such as Listening, Dance, or Entrepreneurship.
      • Grade Level or Stage: Kindergarten to 12th grade and Stages for World Languages.
      • Course: Specific courses offered at the secondary level.

Once you have searched by subject area and grade level, a faint gray background will appear behind the selected Big Idea, and its related Essential Questions, Concepts, Competencies, and Standards/Eligible Content. Clicking a different Big Idea in the list in the left column of the Curriculum Framework will change the Essential Questions, Concepts, Competencies, and Standards/Eligible Content shown.  Clicking on any Standard or Eligible Content code in the Curriculum Framework will take you to the Browse View of the Standards. The Appearance of the Materials & Resources button to the right of the Eligible Content statement indicates that there is content aligned to that Standard or Eligible Content.

Users can also select the PA Core Curriculum Framework tab to search the Curriculum Frameworks for the PA Core Standards by Subject, Standard Area, and Grade Level.