Materials & Resources

Materials & Resources provides users with a way to locate standards-aligned content through a targeted search. Users can search using the QuickSearch tool, where a keyword is entered, or the Search tool, entering a keyword, grade level, and subject area.  

Additional resources are added to the portal on an ongoing basis.  Just like when performing a search on the Internet, it is necessary to try multiple keywords.  Searches for terms like ‘Native Americans’ may yield different results than a search for ‘American Indians’.

All of the resources included on the SAS portal are vetted, and have been quality reviewed by a minimum of three educators.  Links to websites outside of SAS were checked as part of the Quality Review process.  However, since these sites are not under the control of the Pennsylvania Department of Education we cannot be responsible for their content.  Users may encounter advertising or other content, which is why caution signs appear in the search results next to these resources.

All links are checked on a regular basis. If you do come across a link that is broken you can click Contact Us in the footer menu on any page to report the error.


In addition to the Materials & Resources, you can also find the Voluntary Model Curriculum.  Voluntary Model Curriculum (VMC), include sample units and lesson plans that are aligned to the Pennsylvania standards in curriculum frameworks for three major content areas (Literacy/Writing, Mathematics, Science). Besides being available on this tab, all of the Voluntary Model Curriculum Unit and Lesson Plans can be located via a keyword search in Materials & Resources.  

You’ll find Learning Progressions, which identify foundational content standards (Eligible Content) that need to be mastered within a Subject.  These pathways will provide teachers with the opportunity to determine whether students have successfully mastered skills and are able to move forward along the road to career and college readiness..

Lastly, in the Materials & Resources element, the Comprehensive Literacy section provides information on The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) $38.6 million grant that was awarded through the United States Department of Education’s Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program. Additional information about the Keystones to Opportunity grant can be found here.

You can access a step-by-step guide to the Materials & Resources element by clicking here.