My Communities

SAS Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) were developed for educators to communicate and collaborate across the Commonwealth via communities, threaded discussion forums, and blogs.  PLCs provide an excellent place to discuss approaches to Instruction and Interventions.

You can search for communities by keyword.  In order to join a community, click on the Join button in the upper-right corner of the Dashboard.  Joining a community includes membership to all Forums within the community.  Participants are only able to read postings when they are not members.  You cannot post any information until you become a Member of the Community.

Please spend some time exploring the My Communities.  Step-by-step instructions are available here:
MySAS Exploration - My Communities

Instructions for requesting a community, as well as guidelines for members and moderators of Professional Learning Communities can be found here:
Professional Learning Communities-Creating a Community
Professional Learning Communities-Guidelines for Moderators
Professional Learning Communities-Guidelines for Members