My ePortfolio

My ePortfolio is an electronic (web-based), portable filing cabinet. As a registered SAS user, you can store virtually any file you want – word processing documents, presentations, spreadsheets, images – as long as it is already saved to your computer or another storage device. You can also organize your ePortfolio by creating specific folders.  In addition to uploading your own resources, you can save materials and resources that you’ve located in SAS or you can add bookmarks for websites that you use as instructional resources.  (Note:  There are two file types that cannot be saved to the ePortfolio; HTML files (.html, .htm) and Bitmap image files (.bmp).)

The first time you enter your ePortfolio, you will see one main folder, My ePortfolio, as well as three subfolders; My Bookmarks, My Files and My Classes. The subfolders are empty, and can be renamed if desired.  You can create as many folders as necessary to get yourself organized.  If you wish to create a main folder, you should click on the My ePortfolio folder prior to clicking on the Add Folder button.  If you wish to create a sub-folder, click on the folder you wish to make a sub-folder for prior to clicking on the Add Folder button.  Creating sub-folders may be beneficial in organizing different categories of instructional resources.  Please note, that if you delete a folder, you will also delete all of its contents.  If there are any subfolders attached to that folder, you will also delete them and all their contents.

Please spend some time exploring the ePortfolio.  Step-by-step instructions are available here:

My SAS Exploration - My ePortfolio